Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day

Well isn't Skype the best thing that ever happened to this world!? It was so good to see all of your smiling faces:) Technology is the greatest.
This week in Cherokee nation was good! I had some humbling experiences this week and truly learned for myself how much the Lord values this work. It is a very unique opportunity to have 18 whole months dedicated to living, breathing, thinking, talking, and testifying about the gospel. There have been multiple times that I've stopped and thought "I can't believe I'm on a mission." It truly is an experience unlike any other. I've learned things already that I feel I couldn't have learned anywhere else. The Lord loves His missionaries and He loves us even more when we do everything we can to be exactly obedient. We are blessed in the work as we strive our hardest to do our part.
Our President talks a lot about "today, tomorrow and forever" principles and I feel like these are things you pick up on everyday while you're on your mission. The habits you making of studying, praying, and listening to the Spirit are ones I hope to carry on for the rest of my life and eventually teach my own family how greatly important the Gospel of Jesus Christ is.
The Church is true people! The Lord loves each and every one of us with a unique love that we can't even comprehend. He is waiting to bless us and we just have to obey and ask for His help.
I hope y'all have a good week! Love you so much!
Love always, Sister Webber
P.S. Mom, Happy Mothers Day! I love you to the moon and BACK.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tennessee Knoxville Mission

On Friday we had Zone Meeting and our Zone Leader announced that the Asheville Zone would be part of the already existing Tennessee Knoxville Mission beginning July 1, 2013. There has been a buzz among the missionaries since the announcement of new missions forming and boundaries being realigned but the official announcement was made this week. President Craven and Sister Craven came that afternoon and had a meeting with our zone. He said since they like leaving missionaries in the areas for a long time, it was likely that those in that meeting would all become part of the Knoxville mission. So unless I get transferred out of this zone at the end of May, I'll be a missionary assigned to labor in the Tennessee Knoxville Mission. President and Sister Craven expressed how heartbroken they were over the whole ordeal. He said, "Every time I go into my office, I look up at my board and see the Asheville zone and look at all of your pictures and weep at the fact that we're losing you." There weren't a lot of reactions to the news besides tears. In March I said, "If they pull me away from the Cravens, I'll go out swingin" Boy did I speak too soon:)
But, as heartbreaking as it is, it is an exciting time. Change like this means that growth is occuring and that the Lord's work is hastening. The Knoxville Mission is the smallest mission in the United States. It currently consists of 4 stakes and will be 5 when we get moved. (the map is already online with the new boundaries) The mission President and wife are President and Sister Irion (Arie-on). Sister Irion is the daughter of Elder Russell M. Nelson so that's pretty neat.
That's about all I know as of right now. I'll keep you updated though and talk about it more on Skype;)
Cherokee is on the rise. We have four scheduled baptisms for the month of May. We are praying that they all continue to progress and keep commitments. The kids we're teaching that are getting baptized this month are becoming more and more like little siblings to me. I keep telling them I'm going to bring Bud back to hang out with them after I get off my mission. They'd all get along. It's quite a riot trying to have a focused lesson about the Word of Wisdom and the Law of Chastity with 12 and 10 year old boys. We are getting real creative with how we teach.
The work is moving along and I am learning more each day. I know the Lord's hand is in every aspect of my life. When I feel like all hope is lost, something happens that affirms the Lord's love for me and how aware He is of my specific needs. I am so grateful for the blessings that come as I strive to be exactly obedient and do the Lord's will. That has been ringing true this week as I've been praying to accept that the Lord might need me in the Tennessee Knoxville Mission for the last 12 months of my mission. I know we're blessed as we do what the Lord asks. I know that He knows us and is aware of our fears and frustrations. The power of prayer is a real thing. "Oh how praying rests the weary."
I'm glad they called me on a mission. What an honor it is! Right, Kate? :)
Hope y'all have a good week! I'm praying for you! And mom, don't open your letter from me until Mother's Day, mmk? I can't WAIT to see all of your faces:) T-7 days my friends. I love you!!!
Sister Webber