Monday, August 26, 2013

Air Punch

Happy first week of school to y'all! Glad I'm not there to partake of that;)

This week was quite a week in Charlotte.

Monday we got to go to the Mission Home and have dinner with the thirty incoming missionaries. There were so many missionaries. It was fun. We had dinner and did the Q&A with them and the assistants and then brought 5 back to our apartment again to spend the night. I'm amazed at the amount of missionaries serving right now. There are so many good people who come so prepared and ready to share the gospel. (funny side note. they split up the assistants and my companion and I so one of us are at each table with a bunch of new missionaries and they had name tags for everyone and mine said "Elder Webber" and one of the assistants thought it was so funny. He came in the room at the end of dinner and said, "Elder Webber, if you could wrap up the conversation, we're going to start in the other room in 5 minutes." I just turned around and said, "Thank you Sister Frampton" two can play that game. I kept the name tag. I thought it was funny. I'll send it to Bud:)

aaaaand here's all about the roller coaster we call our Jewish Investigator
We saw him on Tuesday and he was in a state of depression. It had just sunk in that he had lost his job and wasn't really looking to do anything about it. We were a little discouraged about it all when we left his apartment. The next morning, we had just gotten home from taking the departing sister back to the Cravens (Mission President) and He (investigator) called us with happiness in his voice. Sister Jameson put the phone on speaker in time for me to hear him say, "I know Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. I know He died for my sins. I know He is my Savior and Redeemer." We both sat in silence just staring at each other. He had an incredible experience with the Spirit and prayer. God has blessed him with a lot of sacred experiences. We saw him later that day and he was jumping up and down about getting baptized on the 31st.

Later that day we had a lesson with him about the Law of Chastity and talked about how he couldn't be living with his female roommate and get baptized. From here we quickly descended downward on the roller coaster. Right back into a state of depression. (He is married and has been separated for like 5 years. Neither of them have ever dated anyone else, they still "love each other" but they can't live with each other. He has a roommate for financial purposes) So he got real mad about that and how it was not in the scriptures or anywhere on or that he couldn't have a female roommate...and later that night sent us some real rude texts and voicemails on our phone about his feelings. Knowing me, who doesn't deal well with people who have emotions and feelings that are all over the place, got a little mad. (I've repented, but I was not happy, I'm sure you can't imagine that right?) Anyway. The next morning we got a phone call from him and he was happy about how all these things had happened (I'll tell you all  the details in person one day) and that he was moving and it was all sorted out and that he still wanted to get baptized. So, he is getting baptized on Saturday

We had stake conference this weekend and everyone that saw him was so thrilled to hear that he was Jewish and that he was getting baptized. (he wears his Yamaka everywhere he goes so he stands out pretty good:) 
Also, T. is getting baptized this Saturday too. It has been a week of little mighty miracles. We've had some really good lessons and discussions with T. and her mom. We're still working on bringing her mom back but T. is set and ready for this weekend. Keep praying for the two of them. A lot of things still need to happen before Saturday but they're on track right now:) (funny sidenote #2-T is fascinated with the idea of missionaries and always asks us a million questions about what it's like to be a missionary and yesterday I was sitting next to her during stake conference she leaned over and said, "Do they make y'all dress like that so you don't turn people on?" I had to hold in my intense laughter that took over my insides but I just said yes and she went back to listening to the speaker. I'm glad I had a 12 year old confirm to me what my companion and I have been worried about the last 3 months. We're doing great at being frumpy, ugly sister missionaries. hoorah)
Mom to answer your questions: we've traveled a lot the last two transfers on assignment from President Craven. He assigned a few more sister training leaders to spread the load out. There are 82 sisters in the mission and everyone is supposed to go on exchange with the training leaders at least once a transfer. So now there are 5 companionships of sister training leaders. This transfer we probably won't travel as much as we were earlier this summer but we'll still be going to different areas twice a week. There are few zones in this mission that these eyes haven't seen. It's the best getting to see so many places. Yes, it rained almost all of July. There were days here and there that were absolutely awful with heat and humidity but not not too many. We had an entire week a little bit ago that was in the mid 90s but the rain hasn't been too bad. It sprinkles at least once a day. Usually late afternoon, but the wretched storms have simmered down. They'll kick up again soon with hurricanes. We don't ride our bikes a ton but here and there we do since we're limited with miles. we're good at picking days that it down pours:) Also, I know Elder Clawson! He's a zone leader in Gastonia so I see him at mission leadership council every month! I'll have to tell him our families know each other. 
Dad, I'll send more pictures when I can:) I have taken a million, we just email on computers from the stone age so I'll get them to you eventually.
I love you. I hope y'all have a great week. I pray for you every minute of the day! You're the best family in the world. 
Sister Webber

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