Tuesday, February 19, 2013

It's Cold Here

Hello everyone! Sounds like everyone had a good week! I'm glad the sweet sixteen was a success. Quinc, I thought about you all day on Friday wishing I could be there eating Panda with you. Know that I love you and that you are the best 16 year old in the world. 
and my sweet ANGELA. Congratulations girl!!! I was thinking about you ALL DAY on Wednesday and I wanted to check my email so bad. I'm so excited for you!! Also, thank you for the V-day goods and the 18 1D Valentines. You're the best my dear.
Also, TIANA EMILY. You better email me this very second. CONGRATULATIONS. I'm so excited for you and I LOVE YOU! 
This week was good!
Valentine's day was good. One of the recent converts in the ward, took us out to dinner so that was the best. We had a few meetings which surprisingly are my favorite thing. Wednesday we had Zone Conference in Winston-Salem and of course President and Sister Craven were there and on Thursday there was a Training meeting for all new missionaries in Charlotte so I got double dose of President and Sister Craven this week and it was THE BEST. I could listen to them speak all day long like I'm sure I've already told you. But both meetings were really good! I learned lots and practiced role playing a lot of good things. I leave those meetings thinking, YES. Commit everyone to baptism! (PS mom and dad...at that meeting they said in the future we are going to need bikes somewhat soon...they gave us an estimated price for the "whole package" let me know what you think is best. It won't be before April I know that...But the package that the mission office and the bike store has put together is $500.-I died about that too. don't worry. but they just told us to give our parents a heads up....let me know what you need me to do or what you think will be good. the ones they have a really good bikes though and they work with skirts. we test road them)
Anyway. This week our investigators all decided to be suuuuper flakey together and ALL of them bailed on all of our appointments. So that was a big let down. We were really looking forward to meeting with all of them but now we are trying to get back in contact with all of them before that fire burns out. But we are working with a lot of less active members and part member families right now. One of the sweet ladies we've been meeting with hasn't been to church since she got baptized at 8 and honestly doesn't know a THING about the church. When members of the ward found out that we've been meeting with her they were amazed. Apparently no one's been able to get in with her in decades. But without fail every time we go to her house she has something for us and is so excited to see us. The spirit is always so strong in our lessons and her desire to know it for herself increases every time we see her. Her husband, who isn't a member, and hasn't ever been there when we have, has actually read the Book of Mormon so we are really going to try to meet with him too and figure out what he needs. 
This ward is seriously the best and they are so encouraging. Our ward mission leader called us yesterday after church and told us all the things people were saying about us in Priesthood. Neither of us knew anything about this area prior to coming here and according to him we are opening doors that no one could open before and connecting with people who have shut everyone in the ward out. They are all convinced sister missionaries have a special touch which makes me get even more fired up about this work. These people are progressing and there are people in this area that are READY for the gospel and they themselves don't even realize it. There have been multiple people who we have tracted in to and have said that they KNOW us from somewhere and are convinced we have visited them before. One lady even told us she had a dream about us and in my head I'm thinking, Is that not a big enough sign that you should listen to what we are saying to you?! But we will just keep working with them:) They are the elect, they just need to notice that for themselves. 
I have to speak in church next week...you know how excited I am about that..haha but I am getting better at getting up in front of a crowd. You'd be proud of me dad:) Yesterday Sister Stafford (the one who emailed you mom, is JUST like Beth. You'd love her. she's the best)  invited us in to come and talk to the YW about choices and how we have been blessed for making good choices and it was so good. We had such a captive audience and they are such a great group of girls. 
Anyway! I love this work. I love this gospel and I KNOW that it is true. I know the Lord is preparing people to hear the gospel. I know the Book of Mormon IS the word of God. I find so much knowledge and insight from reading the words of that book. I know families can be forever and I LOVE my family. I pray for you all everyday. I love you so much. Thank you for everything. 
See you soon! 
Sister Webber

Also, thank you to the Sunday night dinner group for the letters and thank you mom for the punkin bread. I scarfed that down!!

Funny story: We were at Walmart last week and this ooooold cute black lady pulled me aside and said, "Where are you from" and I said "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints" and she said, so you're Mormon. I said yes and then she said, "so you're rich." and I said..uhh no. I'm not. and she asked how old I was and I told her and she said, oh you've got time. you will be rich. all mormons are rich. and when you get rich just remember me okay? I started laughing and was like, okay ahaha. these people are killer. 

p.s. this picture is for all of you that think I am here sun tanning everyday. it snowed ALL DAY on saturday and it even stuck to the ground near our apartment. It is FREEZING here. all. the. time. 

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