Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The best week

So much happened this week. It's insane. It was seriously the best week.
Monday after we finished our preparation day festivities we went to the mission home and had dinner with the new missionaries. Seventeen sisters and ten elders. It was the best. After dinner, President Craven was doing interviews and Sister Craven, us and the Assistants got to sit with all the new missionaries and just answer questions. I loved it. I kept having flashback memories of my first night in the mission. It was so overwhelming and crazy to think that that was six months ago. Five of the sisters left with us that night to come stay at our apartment. On our way back to our place one of the sisters in the back seat said, "Sister Webber, I have a confession to make." I looked back at her in the rearview mirror and she said, I read your entire blog before I came out and the sister sitting next to her said, me too. Apparently the link got put onto a sister missionary page on facebook which gives me a baby heart attack. I have no recollection of things I write. Thanks for being my editor, mom:)
It was the best having the sisters stay with us. I wanted to bottle up all their nervous energy and store it somewhere. The next morning we drove them all to the mission office and did training with them all morning and stayed for transfers that afternoon. It was nice to be at transfers and not be feeling like I was going to have a heart attack thinking about where I was going and who I was going with. I'm hoping I stay in this area for a loooong long time. Pray that I do:)
Tuesday night we had a departing sister stay with us that was leaving Wednesday morning. It was the weirdest thing to think that she was going home. She is the best missionary I've ever worked with. I went on exchanges with her a few times since I've been here and she's the best. I died thinking that I'd be in her place one day. Then I decided not to think about it.
On Friday we had a training with President Wade who was a mission president in California and now works for the MTC and does a bunch of really neat things. He came and the Mission Leadership got together for it. He explained all the new changes with our mission. we're getting our statistics straight for all the tests they're doing:) A district in our mission right now is one of seven test missions (the others have one in the missions in Ogden, Salt Lake, Provo, Tempe, Mesa, Phoenix and Charlotte.) That district has Ipads and they all showed them off at this meeting. It was sweet. Digital area books and planners and all this other crazy stuff. They told us it would be a transfer or two before it would roll out to the entire mission. But it is still so fun to hear about it from the missionaries that have them right now.
wheewwww... and Pineville.
Like I told y'all before, we're focusing big time on our part member families and seeing some wonderful things happen. We are teaching this sweet lady who's daughter is a member. At the end of our lesson the other day we asked her if there was anything we could do to help her (she and her husband have had a few surgeries the last few months and are just having major health complications) and she said, just pray that we can begin healing. We asked if she'd like the Elders to come give her a blessing and she accepted. The Elders told us what a wonderful experience it was when they went to give her a blessing. They said she said she just wanted to know if this is what God wanted her to do in her life. She's reaaaady. I'm real excited about her.
Also, yesterday we had the best sacrament meeting. Sister Jameson and Elder Fowles both spoke and then a young married couple spoke who are both somewhat recently returned missionaries. The wife is a convert to the church and it was all THE BEST. It was all focused on Hastening the Work and they all did such a great job. Also, our Bishop is the best. I could say that nine hundred times. Oh and the Lindsey's. Yesterday was the first time we've seen them since y'all saw them. They were so excited to talk about you. It was great.
Woo baby. I think that's all I can think of for right now. My brain is so overloaded I can't even think straight. I have straight up LOST my memory of anything before this missionary life I'm living. It's the weirdest thing. But it's okay. Kate: Happy halfway. You're the best Ukrainian I know. J: I'm glad you got to meet Scotty. He's the best. Quince: I love you. Write me. Bud: Where you been, son? I love you. Mom: Your email about your calling? The best. I may or may not have laughed out loud in the library. Dad: I love you to the moon and back. Bishop showed me your email yesterday, we had a cry fest together.
I love y'all. I pray for you like crazy. Don't die in the heat:)
Love always,
Sister Webber

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